SAC Offering Virtual Learning Assistance

The School Age Care (SAC) program is pleased to announce a new service for our families. 

As you may know, some school districts are now offering virtual schooling. Effective immediately, SAC can provide dedicated space and time for students to participate in virtual or remote learning while in our care. 

Students participating in virtual school will need to provide their own materials, including but not limited to charged electronics, power cords, text books, paperwork, notebooks, and pens. In addition, in order to avoid disrupting others, all virtual school students also will be required to have and use headphones or earbuds. 

Items we will need from parents to assist their child:

  • - Child’s virtual or remote learning schedule.  
  • - The usernames and passwords the child uses to access their devices and programs.
  • - Items and activities the child can do quietly to keep them occupied during “down times.” Examples include books, workbooks, fidget spinners, and stress balls. Since they will be spending so much time on a computer, we ask that these activities not be tech-based. 

In turn, we will structure our program day to include consistent times for children to connect to virtual learning resources and complete school assignments. Free Wi-Fi will be available. 

We also will provide each child with an assignment notebook. Parents may use the notebook to designate the work that needs to be completed. We will send the notebook back with the child at the end of the day.

We ask that parents communicate to their child the expectation that during the school day, they must be focused on their virtual classrooms and that day’s assignments. They will have breaks and time for fun as the virtual classrooms allow. 

Last, please note that while we will fully support children as they work on their school assignments, SAC program staff should not be considered replacements for school teachers. Ultimately, the responsibility for your child’s education is on the parents, their child, and his or her teachers. 

A Note About COVID

We are committed to ensuring the safety of our students and staff. To minimize the risk of COVID exposure for students attending virtual school and other children in our facility, we have the following requirements:

  • - All youth and personnel who enter our facility will continue to undergo a COVID screening, which will include a temperature check and series of health screening questions. A copy of these questions is available upon request.  
  • - All youth attending the SAC program for virtual school will remain in a “bubble,” apart from youth who are attending our Before/After School Care program. 
  • - We will try to maintain social distancing (6 feet apart).
  • - When social distancing is not feasible, all students must wear a cloth face covering. We will not require coverings when students are eating or physically active, or for children whose parents have health concerns. 

We ask that parents emphasize the importance of wearing a cloth face covering to their enrolled children. We also request that parents provide a minimum of two clean cloth face coverings on a daily basis.

We will continue to exclude all participants who have symptoms of COVID-19, have a positive or pending COVID test, or have a family member showing symptoms of COVID-19. We also will continue to exclude any participants, and their family members, who have traveled to high-risk areas as identified on the Navy’s travel risk assessment worksheet.

We appreciate the flexibility of our parents as we navigate through these uncertain times. We are working hard to keep the SAC center open, operating as safely as possible and making improvements wherever we can. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact either of us using the information provided below. Thank you for your support and we wish the best for you and your children. 

Erin Whittingham
Youth Program Supervisor

Amber Hasenwinkel
Youth Program Training and Curriculum Specialist